Wings4U Blog

Make your Customer Stories More Robust

Written by Melis Hamurculu | July 22, 2022

Among other benefits, Customer Stories show that a brand can accomplish what they say based on real stories and real results, making them a very powerful sales tool.

To help you make yours more robust, we have gathered five quick ideas that you can easily implement to bring structure to your Customer Stories production:

  1. Setup KPIs: Define how you want to measure your Customer Stories. What's your goal? Increase the quantity? Increase the quality? Create more local and diverse stories?

  2. Design your nomination process: One of the keys to a solid Customer Stories Program is to have a healthy pipeline of the stories. Hence, having a polished nomination process is important. Who will be nominating customers - is it the sellers, or the product teams? Have a centralized location in which they can nominate but in which you can also qualify which ones will go forward.

  3. Schedule nomination review meetings: Once you have a nomination process you want to know more about each story, so you can evaluate and select those fitting to your KPIs. Which stories should be created? Which assets would serve these stories better?

  4. Customer Stories newsletter: Communication is important. Distribute the newly published stories, the stories in the works, and the stories nominated internally. You can also include Customer Stories benefits and processes. A monthly newsletter is always a good idea to keep your audience engaged, aware, and wanting more.

  5. Promote new Customer Stories Published: make sure you have a mindful process to distribute your Customer Stories, internally and externally. Align strategically with your PR and Marketing team for your external distribution, social media channels, events, and all. Align strategically with your sales & business development teams for your internal distribution and how they can leverage the stories in their sales discussions.

  6. Don’t forget your local/subsidiary teams: There are many great stories, implementations, and results in the subsidiaries and countries you maybe are not thinking about daily. Reach out to them and see if they have any recent wins or success stories they would want to create! Keep in mind, that creating these stories also in the local language will increase your reach and allow more in-depth conversations!