Wings4U Blog

Introducing Romina Balanzzino, our Reference Manager

Written by Daniela Sesma | August 25, 2021


We're happy to introduce Romina Balanzzino, our newest Reference Manager in the LATAM region. At Wings4U, Romina is part of the advocacy team dedicated to Microsoft.

Why this role, and why Wings4U?

Throughout my professional career, I have enjoyed and excel at working with global cross-functional teams in a variety of roles including Marketing/Events, Operations, and Customer Services across different industries. 

I am truly excited to join the Wings4U team as a Global Reference Manager to help drive customer growth and foster brand evangelism. 

I was looking for a shift in my career path and to join an organization that aligns with my core values, lifestyle, and the next steps in my professional journey. A friend told me about Wings4U and when I read about its mission and vision statement, I felt I found the shoes that fit my feet and purpose.

Do you have any experiences worth raving about?

Having a global family! I have lived in Dubai for a couple of years and living abroad is an experience I´d always recommend, no matter your age, for how long or how far you go. I have gained countless experiences and unique connections at a personal and professional level that I consider a priceless treasure in life.  

Become friends with people who aren’t your age. Hang out with people whose first language isn’t the same as yours. Get to know someone who doesn’t come from your social class. This is how you see the world. This is how you grow!

What makes you tick? What are you passionate about?

Injustice, disrespect, and lack of humbleness/ empathy irritates and concerns me.

I am extremely passionate about cultural exchange and building global communities, the reason why I am an active member of 2 major global NGOs that promote cultural understanding and inclusion. 

I consider myself as a “Life Apprentice”. So here is another quote from Socrates I go by: “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing”. I never cease to learn from others and myself.

I enjoy exploring this world in all its forms and shapes, training (body, mind, and soul), meditating, and spending time with friends and family. 

What’s your favourite quote?

“We need diversity of thought in the world to face the new challenges” by Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the WWW.

Different backgrounds and thought processes bring unique viewpoints to any team that helps tackle problems for optimal results. 

Particularly in this new era, any organization or community will need to embrace change and an appreciation of differences while promoting an inclusive and welcoming environment. Finding common ground despite our differences is a way to build team rapport and continue to evolve as professionals and human beings.

What’s your favourite music / bands?

80´s, Rock n Roll, Electronic, Lounge, New Age, a good laugh.... really any sound or rhythm that makes my soul tickle.

Which book and movie would you recommend to everyone?

So hard to pick just one! 

  • Movies/Series: Eat, Pray, Love (Movie and Book!), Matrix Saga, The Da Vinci Code saga, Black Mirror, Devs, If I Hadn't Met You (Si no t'hagués conegut)

  • Books: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, Find your Why by Simon Sinek, Tao Te Ching by Lao-Tzu and a classic that never goes out of style: The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

If you could go to dinner with anyone (alive or not), who would it be and why?

Also, a difficult choice! There are so many inspiring human beings in this world (and keep finding new ones every day). But I’d love to have the privilege to share a simple meal with Dalai Lama and Mahatma Gandhi for a chance to learn a “quark” fraction of their infinite wisdom. 

And one last dinner with my sister, the purest soul I’ve ever met on earth, now watching over me from a higher plane of existence. 


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