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Main Pillars of Storytelling


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Here are 5 pillars that would help you identify if you are using proper storytelling, or you are just making a fancy case study.

Storytelling is one of the oldest arts that communicates a message in an incredibly effective way. Many companies say they use storytelling when creating content. However, it's not so easy to make it real.

Here are 5 pillars that would help you identify if you are using proper storytelling, or you are just making a fancy case study:

#1 Every story has an overarching theme. Try to abstract the challenge you will write about one level, and one level more, and then one level more. There you have your overarching theme.

#2 Every story has a concept to communicate.

#3 Every story has a hero and a sidekick(s). The hero is the most important part of the story, and here, the hero is your customer.

#4 Every story has a challenge to overcome, or at the very least, an aspiration to achieve.

#5 Every story should have a hook, a development, and a payoff (vs challenge, solution, and result).

This is not only important for writing or reviewing, but also for interviewing your hero. Always remember good questions lead to good answers.

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