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Matias Vivone

Passionate about Marketing and Technology. The Beatles and soccer fan.

Recent Posts by Matias Vivone:

Key Aspects for a Shining Customer Story


In the world of business, success stories aren't just inspiring tales – they're powerful tools that can influence potential customers and partners. While at the same time is an unique opportunity to give your best customers a place to shine. A well-crafted case study or customer story can be the beacon that guides others toward your product or service. But what truly sets a case study apart and makes it shine? Let's dive into the key aspects that can transform an ordinary customer story into a captivating masterpiece.


Is your organization ready for a Customer Evidence program? Checklist


Are you considering implementing a Customer Evidence program but you’re not sure if you’re ready or not? The following provides you with some clear prerequisites you need to have in place before you start.


Mistakes When Creating Content and How to Fix Them


So, we know that Customer Advocacy can enhance your Content Marketing strategy. However, before diving into planning and creation, keep in mind to avoid some of the most common mistakes when creating your content:

The Reference Desk Model: A Comprehensive Overview


As businesses strive to grow and become more competitive, building a customer advocacy program becomes increasingly important. Within the sphere of advocacy, a reference program can help organizations leverage satisfied customers to influence the buying decisions of potential customers. However, managing a program such as this can be challenging. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the reference desk model, outlining the benefits and challenges it presents, as well as identifying ways to optimize its use.

Master customer evidence: 4 common challenges and how to overcome them

In this article, Matias discusses the challenges faced by customer marketers in building an effective content strategy and provides solutions to tackle them. Have you heard sellers complain that customer stories are too long? Do they say your stories are not addressing specific questions asked by prospects? Do you struggle to source enough customer nominations? Do sellers struggle to find customer stories? If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above, read on to find the solutions. 

As a customer marketer, you’ll face many challenges in your quest to build the most effective content strategy. Let’s look at the most common ones and how you can successfully tackle them:

Customer Story Programs – Essential KPIs


The KPIs for customer story programs (whether they are called evidence, advocacy, or voice-of-the-customer programs) vary from company to company – and are often based on corporate goals and priorities.

Main Pillars of Storytelling


Here are 5 pillars that would help you identify if you are using proper storytelling, or you are just making a fancy case study.

Questions to Guide Your CAB Planning


Planning your Customer Advisory Board can be very complex and time-consuming. There are many factors to consider, many details to plan, and conversations to have.
If you are in the initial design stage, or if you want to redefine your CAB, let’s look at 6 questions that would guide your process:

How To Identify A Pain Point and Turn It Into An Opportunity

One reason some businesses are more successful than others is because they find and connect with their target personas consistently. Their marketing and sales reach out to the right audience with higher purchasing potential, because the product or service offered connects with their needs – it addresses a pain point.

Stories Compilation Assets


No matter how much customer content you produce, it always seems like a never-ending struggle to keep up with the demand from other teams. And, while sometimes you really need to push for more, there’s also the case where your content gets lost through the cracks and people might not be aware of everything that is available.

Customer evidence: 12 tips to get more nominations & publish more customer stories

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Explore Wings4U blog for information on quality content creation, B2B content marketing, creation of raving fans and living a virtual culture.

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