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All Aboard: Navigating the Importance of Ongoing Training in a Customer-Centric Culture


Change often ushers in feelings of fear and uncertainty, triggering defensive reactions that can lead to resistance. In the realm of organizational cultural transformation, employees often are afraid of not being capable of accomplishing the new tasks, roles, or behaviors required. To tackle these reactions head-on, training on the requisite skills becomes vital, diminishing the perceived insecurity and fear associated with the demand for change.


Communication as the Foundation of Customer-Centric Culture


Adopting a customer-centric culture, like any cultural transformation, is a deep, dynamic, and continuous process that requires the active participation of the entire organization. Having the support of the board of directors and building a team of change agents will not guarantee success. On this journey, communication becomes the backbone that supports each step towards a customer-centric culture.


Empowering Team Leaders: Forming Key Teams for Transformation


Yes! You got it! If you read this article, you got the board on board. Congratulations! As we reviewed in the previous article, the support of the executive directors is crucial to a successful customer-centric culture adoption because, throughout their decisions, they exemplify the path to follow for the rest of the company. Now that you have achieved this significant step, it is time to form a team of change leaders.


Executive Support: The Cornerstone of a Customer-Centric Culture


In the previous article, we learned about the importance of creating a solid customer-centric culture in order to maximize the potential of your Customer Advocacy Program, and we anticipate that the role of the board of directors in this cultural change is substantial. 

In this article, we will explore two main topics: on the one hand, why the board's role is crucial when talking about change management, and on the other hand, how to gain their support to ensure that the entire organization focuses on adopting a customer-centric culture.

Let's begin!


Building a Customer-Centric Culture


Maximizing the benefits of Customer Advocacy in your acquisition strategy involves creating a solid customer-centric culture. It doesn't matter how great your Customer Advocacy program or strategy is; you will only succeed with a culture that puts the customer at the center of every business decision.


Customer evidence: 12 tips to get more nominations & publish more customer stories

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