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Sunny Skills: Boost Your Customer Advocacy Game This Summer


Want to make the most of your summer break for your professional development? We've rounded up the essential skills every Customer Advocacy Professional should focus on. Find out how these skills can prepare you for your next challenge or help you handle everyday tasks more effectively. Plus, we suggest some fantastic free online courses you will want to take advantage of!


Wings4U Workcation: What happened in India, doesn't stay in India

 I’ve been working for Wings4U for the last year and a half so having the chance to meet a few people from the team several times before was always an exciting occurrence. Usually, the reason behind the meeting was a specific project or a client. This time it was supposed to be different. When the announcement “We’re going for an offsite meeting in Goa, India” came, we got excited not only about location, but for meeting everyone from the team and having a chance to work together like never before!

Key Tips from our Production Managers for Managing Remote Teams

When you have teams based around the world working on a variety of different projects, you learn lots about how to manage remotely so that everyone feels trusted and as though they have the support they need to get the results. To find out the best way to do so, we asked some of our managers in the W4U team to share with us some of their favorite tips for managing remote teams. 

7 Strategies for Beating Writer’s Block


Sitting, staring at a screen, and struggling to turn your inspiration into results? We've all been there. To help you get past it, here are 7 strategies to help you overcome writer's block.

Top 7 Blog Posts of 2017

We had tons of great content in 2017 that we enjoyed writing and sharing with you, but there were 7 posts in particular that got most of your attention. In this post, you’ll find your favorites of 2017, plus a quick summary of what you can expect to learn from them.

Wrapping up the Year: 8 Takeaways from 2017

As 2017 draws to a close, like many others we’re taking a few moments to reflect on some of our incredible experiences over the last year – which wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our clients, talents of our core team, and artists. Today, we’re taking a look at some of the most important learnings we’ve picked up in hope that they will inspire others in the year to come.

Trend Alert: The Age of Remote Work

Topics: Productivity

Let’s admit it. Until very recently, the job-for-life recipe was a ‘one size fits all’ deal. Go to a good university, graduate, find a solid and stable job and preferably, excel and retire. This formula was seen as the acceptable and sensible thing to do. It made families proud and created a safe and stable environment in society. This ‘success curve’ came attached with attractive luxuries: possibly a house, a car, a few overseas vacations each year and of course, some beautiful handbags. Was there a problem with this? No, not really. However, the new generation - also referred to as millennials - is rapidly retreating from this idealized comfort zone. The new priorities and lifestyles are established with a different mindset and a strong emphasis on personal freedom, facilitated by remote work.

Top lessons I learned while remote working

Topics: Productivity


I’ve been “working from home,” as Filipinos would say, or doing remote work, for several years now, and I have seen the pros and cons. But this post isn’t about the benefits or issues of working virtually — it’s about what I’ve learned so far while working for Wings4U as a Production Manager. Here are my top lessons.

How to create a unique culture in a remote company?

Topics: Productivity


Wings4U was founded in 2008 and it has been ever since a 100% remote company. We are kind of a new breed of agency — where we have people all around the world who are working remotely without having offices. I like to think of us as a company born in the “cloud.” At the beginning we had to face many challenges to prove the concept, but luckily working remotely is now becoming a norm, and with the millennials coming into the picture, remote work will be a more and more attractive way of working.

15 Mottos on #VirtualCulture to Live by in 2017

Topics: Productivity

We believe in a simple formula: Speed of internet = the speed at which we remove the traditional understanding of work. Technology enables us to socialize with people around the world in seconds, so why shouldn’t we connect to build teams, connect with talented professionals around the world and collaborate to create amazing work? Remote work is on the rise, and it’s rising for good reason: people are demanding it because it improves their lives. The big question is, can you still create a company culture if your team is all over the globe?

Customer evidence: 12 tips to get more nominations & publish more customer stories

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Explore Wings4U blog for information on quality content creation, B2B content marketing, creation of raving fans and living a virtual culture.

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