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Elif Hiz

Recent Posts by Elif Hiz:

#INBOUND17: How to Lead Multicultural Remote Teams

Topics: Remote Work


According to Gallup Research, only 13% of the global workforce feels engaged. Is there a way to connect to the whopping 87% of employees who are disconnected from their company? Learn how to create connections with your team members, especially in remote and multicultural environments.

#INBOUND17: How to Use Content Marketing in Each Department of Your Business

It's a common mistake to think of your company's departments as separate units. Content marketing is what ties it all  together like superglue. This text is inspired by the thought-provoking “How to Use Content Marketing for Each Department of Your Business” talk by Kelsey Meyer, the co-founder and president of Influence & Co. at INBOUND2017. 

4 Key Themes That Have Stuck With Me Since #INBOUND17



#INBOUND17: 7 Trending Best Practices for Creating Videos That Convert


At the start of 2017, experts  predicted that video would become the most impactful content format. Just like Despacito became an international hit (and you know it’s true when a remote international team discusses the song during a meeting), video has blown the marketing world faster than you can sing “something-something-Puerto-Rico”.

Trend Alert: The Age of Remote Work

Topics: Productivity

Let’s admit it. Until very recently, the job-for-life recipe was a ‘one size fits all’ deal. Go to a good university, graduate, find a solid and stable job and preferably, excel and retire. This formula was seen as the acceptable and sensible thing to do. It made families proud and created a safe and stable environment in society. This ‘success curve’ came attached with attractive luxuries: possibly a house, a car, a few overseas vacations each year and of course, some beautiful handbags. Was there a problem with this? No, not really. However, the new generation - also referred to as millennials - is rapidly retreating from this idealized comfort zone. The new priorities and lifestyles are established with a different mindset and a strong emphasis on personal freedom, facilitated by remote work.

Customer evidence: 12 tips to get more nominations & publish more customer stories

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Explore Wings4U blog for information on quality content creation, B2B content marketing, creation of raving fans and living a virtual culture.

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