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5 Mistakes Made by Businesses in Their Content Marketing Efforts

We’re constantly learning, often from our mistakes. Over time, as we’ve collaborated with marketing professionals representing a variety of businesses, from huge corporations to growing startups and just about everything in between, we’ve seen a lot. These marketing professionals live and breathe their passion and will stop at nothing to reach the goals that have been set — internally and externally.

Why Target Personas Are The First Step to Successful Lead Generation

We now live in a digital world crammed full of content and amazing solutions. As a B2B company, you know your solution needs to stand out from your competitors. You know you need to bring more leads to your sales teams. Where to start? If you want to show successful ROI - in the form of Sales Qualified Leads, and revenue - you will need solid target personas in place so you know where you’re aiming. 

Why is inbound marketing replacing traditional marketing?

There is a rapid digital evolution and it is changing the rules of marketing every second. Inbound and content are the new hot words around marketing; advertising and PR are slowly dying; TV doesn’t have the power it used to; consumer attitudes, buying behaviors and methods of consuming information are changing; and businesses have to change the way they approach their audience.

The Power of CTAs For a High-Converting Website

Calls to action are an essential piece of the marketing strategy and have the potential to create significant conversion rates as well as help to achieve defined objectives. They allow businesses to lead the buyer through the journey and can be improved significantly with smart analysis.

Optimize Your CTA for Lead Generation

A call to action is like a display window to your offer - it needs to be inviting enough to draw people inside your shop. You can have all the best offers, but if the CTA isn’t working, no one is going to come in and give you their precious contact information. How can you improve your CTA to increase lead generation?

How to Create a Basic Lead Generation Campaign

According to HubSpot, generating leads and traffic is the greatest challenge for 65% of companies. For starters, you need a good lead generation campaign that will connect you with qualified leads who can potentially move down your sales funnel. Follow the four basic steps to create your first lead generation campaign.

Customer evidence: 12 tips to get more nominations & publish more customer stories

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Explore Wings4U blog for information on quality content creation, B2B content marketing, creation of raving fans and living a virtual culture.

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