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Delphine Atzeni

Production Manager for EMEA Region

Recent Posts by Delphine Atzeni:

Customer success, cameras, actions


59% of startup founders would rather watch a video than read text. Engaging, effective, and memorable video stories show real people and tell an inspiring story. This format is perfect for events, embedded or linked to from sales pitch decks, or as part of the prospects web journey. 


Creative storytelling in customer evidence


Customer evidence is at the intersection of all styles of stories: It is factual yet emotional, and reportive yet creative. In this article, we explore the intricate art of crafting compelling and authentic customer success stories, providing key pointers to enhance your storytelling prowess.


Don’t let your amazing Customer stories fizzle out

Customer Evidence is a must-have for any company wanting to build trust or strengthen its market position. This explains why most already have at least a few customer stories – or case studies – published on their website. But for many companies, that’s it. The content is produced, they’re happy about it, they promote it across different platforms, and they move on.

How legal barriers can disrupt your foreign market entry?

When your global scaling plan goes wrong, there are usually ways to overcome whatever difficulties you’re facing, but legal obstacles are the one thing you can’t work your way around. Failure to comply with the law can lead to large fines or even company shutdown. Researching market legalities before scaling should be high on your priority list.

Customer evidence: 12 tips to get more nominations & publish more customer stories

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