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5 regions - no office – The secrets for team success


Delivering marketing campaigns and programs to a top fortune 500 brand, across five regions, with a core team of six team members covering six different cultures, and no offices at all…

Sounds cool, doesn’t it?😉

4 Content Ideas for B2B Marketing that Actually Work

Content has become the fuel of B2B marketing. It helps generate quality leads, nurture prospects, and drive sales. 91% of B2B marketers use it to create demand and nurture TOFU (Top of The Funnel) leads. According to HubSpot, B2B organizations that blog generate 67% more leads every month than companies that don’t blog. It’s hard to beat blog posts as a solid investment for your digital marketing strategy.

One Day in the Digital Life

Is your life intertwined with the digital world? If your answer is no, you are probably not considering all the interactions you have with the digital universe every single hour, so keep reading. If your answer is yes, you will feel the same vibe as me, so keep reading.

Trend Alert: The Age of Remote Work

Topics: Productivity

Let’s admit it. Until very recently, the job-for-life recipe was a ‘one size fits all’ deal. Go to a good university, graduate, find a solid and stable job and preferably, excel and retire. This formula was seen as the acceptable and sensible thing to do. It made families proud and created a safe and stable environment in society. This ‘success curve’ came attached with attractive luxuries: possibly a house, a car, a few overseas vacations each year and of course, some beautiful handbags. Was there a problem with this? No, not really. However, the new generation - also referred to as millennials - is rapidly retreating from this idealized comfort zone. The new priorities and lifestyles are established with a different mindset and a strong emphasis on personal freedom, facilitated by remote work.

Why Target Personas Are The First Step to Successful Lead Generation

We now live in a digital world crammed full of content and amazing solutions. As a B2B company, you know your solution needs to stand out from your competitors. You know you need to bring more leads to your sales teams. Where to start? If you want to show successful ROI - in the form of Sales Qualified Leads, and revenue - you will need solid target personas in place so you know where you’re aiming. 

Top lessons I learned while remote working

Topics: Productivity


I’ve been “working from home,” as Filipinos would say, or doing remote work, for several years now, and I have seen the pros and cons. But this post isn’t about the benefits or issues of working virtually — it’s about what I’ve learned so far while working for Wings4U as a Production Manager. Here are my top lessons.

Why is inbound marketing replacing traditional marketing?

There is a rapid digital evolution and it is changing the rules of marketing every second. Inbound and content are the new hot words around marketing; advertising and PR are slowly dying; TV doesn’t have the power it used to; consumer attitudes, buying behaviors and methods of consuming information are changing; and businesses have to change the way they approach their audience.

Customer evidence: 12 tips to get more nominations & publish more customer stories

About this blog

Explore Wings4U blog for information on quality content creation, B2B content marketing, creation of raving fans and living a virtual culture.

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