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The secrets to remote hiring

Topics: Remote Work

If you’ve read our blogs, the chances are you won’t have missed that we work 100% remotely.  

And that includes, of course, the entire hiring process. To some it might sound impossible to hire an employee they’ve never met in person, but to us, it’s an everyday situation.

So let me explain exactly how the magic happens – in three parts

Word-of-Mouth: How to unleash its unrivalled power

“Where shall we eat?” I asked my friend when we were at the mall. “Oh, I’ve heard there’s a restaurant close by which is excellent - my mom swears by it,” she said. So off we went to have lunch there, and true to expectations, it was very good.

Now this might seem very normal to ask our friends, relatives, and colleagues for their thoughts, recommendations and reviews of just about anything. In fact, the world over, most of us love talking about the brands that we like, love and hate, and why we feel that way: HubSpot even says that consumers discuss specific brands casually 90x per week.

Customer Evidence Program: Teamwork for success


You may be asking yourself if there’s more you can do to stand out from your competition. Perhaps by showcasing more effectively the benefits your products and services bring your customers in their everyday life and work. And you’d be right to keep questioning.

But have you considered the importance of creating your own Customer Evidence Program?

It all stems from the age-old wisdom that your customer’s voice is “louder“ than your own. When your customers are happy, you can’t have better advocates.

Takeaways from Summit on Customer Engagement (SCE19)

We are just back from our networking and educational experience at the Summit on Customer Engagement (SCE19). Putting a little tiredness aside from the 22-hour return trip to San Francisco and jet lag, we couldn’t wait to share a round-up of what our team took away.

Don’t let your amazing Customer stories fizzle out

Customer Evidence is a must-have for any company wanting to build trust or strengthen its market position. This explains why most already have at least a few customer stories – or case studies – published on their website. But for many companies, that’s it. The content is produced, they’re happy about it, they promote it across different platforms, and they move on.

Tools to build mighty virtual culture

Topics: Remote Work

In the world of remote working there are three principles that describe how it all works: communication, communication and communication!  As you might have guessed - flawless communication has a crucial role in providing uninterrupted workflow, understanding of procedures and tasks, and team bonding. The fact that we’re  not physically present in a designated office space but, instead, face each other on laptop screens, makes the art of maintaining clear communication and accurate information sharing even more complex and challenging.

Measuring what matters. ABC of Measurement Planning

Let’s imagine you’re in charge of your company’s Customer Evidence Program, and the end of tax year is looming. As usual, your boss asks “How did your program perform this year?” as a prelude to next year’s budget planning. Now, do you have meaningful info to answer that question?  

If you’re already running a CE Program, I’ll give you 10 seconds to respond. If you have a great answer please put it on the comments, otherwise I hope this article will spare you some headaches.

If you’re not running a program yet, please read on, you won’t regret it. And by the way, have you already contacted Melis Hamurculu, our CE expert for a free consultation? 

How to link Customer Evidence stories to sales success

Good customer evidence tells an interesting story.

It can be a short clip, a written story or anything in between. But one thing these all have in common is that they tell a story about your customer. A story so gripping that you want to watch or read till the very end. One that won’t see you skipping to the end because you don’t want to miss any ounce of the information right at the very the middle.

Building a virtual team

Topics: Remote Work

I joined Wings4U a year ago, so I’ve had plenty of time to figure out the opportunities and challenges that come with my job and our company.

At first, working remotely felt very strange, like working in a parallel world or being on another planet!  And I was plagued with all sorts of doubts.

To start, I wondered if I could ever get used to working remotely, as I’d previously done a regular office job for years. Then, I was troubled by all kinds of questions such as, Will I be bored or lonely? How do I connect with people? and How do I avoid distractions?  And the biggest mystery of all was how a team scattered around the world could ever possibly keep in sync.

It wasn’t long though before I realized that remote work actually worked!  A team could operate like any other team in any other office, despite not being in the same room.  Meetings, deadlines, brainstorms and clients could all exist in a virtual space - thanks to technology and, most importantly, a smart remote working strategy.

How to use customer evidence for marketing

 More and more businesses are getting interested in customer evidence and with good reason. It’s not enough anymore to stick with traditional sales and marketing methods, with cold calls and bombarding customers with slogans and jingles in TV ads. Right now, everyone craves a relatable, authentic, and engaging story.

But while you might have such customer evidence in place, such as your case studies or customer stories, infographics, videos and so-on, how should you use these to their full potential?

Customer evidence: 12 tips to get more nominations & publish more customer stories

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Explore Wings4U blog for information on quality content creation, B2B content marketing, creation of raving fans and living a virtual culture.

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