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Why Buyer Personas Matter to Everyone in Your Company

Buyer Personas – One of the Greatest Alignment Tools

If you were to ask members of your marketing department to describe your organization’s buyer personas or target audience, what would they say? Would they have similar answers or would they be different? Could they answer the question at all? 

3 Steps to Quality B2B Content That Resonates With Your Customers

I don’t speak to my mom the same way I speak to my husband. It’s hilarious to think that I communicate with my friends like I do with my cat. And I certainly don’t talk to my boss the same way I talk to my kids. 

Different types of people require different input. We choose our words, tone, and communication style based on who we’re speaking to. 

How To Get The Most From Your Agency

Outsourcing work to marketing agencies makes sense for enterprise and SME companies who don’t have the time, or in-house resources to complete all that needs to be done. Yet there is still frustration by B2B marketers when the work they get from agencies is inconsistent in quality or not what they expected. Let’s explore ways you can get more from your current marketing agency partners.

How to Write Great B2B Tweets - with examples

Why are we writing about tweeting tips?

With inbound marketing, great content is only half the story. Distribution and promotion of your content is the other half. As B2B marketers it’s critical to get your content out and in front of the right people. With over 2 million blog posts alone being created every day, the challenge is promoting your content amongst all the noise.

7 Ways to Promote B2B Success Stories

Great customer success story – now what?

Whether your case study is in video form, or as an article, don’t leave them to collect dust on a website somewhere. Hard work went into publication of the stories containing all the juicy data your clients were willing to share. Now it’s time to amplify, to promote, to put up big arrows in the digital world that point back to your customer success stories. Here’s 7 ways to do just that. 

How To Get Clients To Share Their Success Story

Customer success stories are a vital part of B2B marketing. The testimony of a client to prospects and potential buyers is powerful when your solution is the answer to someone’s need. But what if the client is hesitant to participate?

5 Reasons Why Success Stories Matter in B2B Marketing

As marketing managers for B2B companies, we already know how important it is to have an inbound marketing strategy in place. Creating and distributing relevant and valuable content allows us to attract and retain our target audience, which, when done right, translates into profits.

Inbound vs. Content Marketing: Is there a difference?

Full disclosure: we are a Hubspot Partner Agency, but the internal discussions we had on the terms ‘content marketing’ vs ‘inbound marketing’ are one of the main reasons for this article. We needed alignment, and the following post is something we could all agree on!

Integrating Sales into Inbound Marketing Processes

I had the opportunity to attend Hubspot’s annual Inbound Marketing conference this year and wanted to share a couple of takeaways about aligning sales and marketing more closely in the inbound marketing world.

Business lessons from Prague

I’m fortunate to travel to historical Prague on business with Wings4U. Even in winter (these photos are from February), Prague is beautiful and oozes history and charm; it lends to one waxing lyrical. But there is also a real energy in the business scene and as I looked through my mobile photos I saw some of my favourite business lessons - for startups or more established organisations – in the very fabric of Prague. So, without further ado, please enjoy these photos with a business twist.

Customer evidence: 12 tips to get more nominations & publish more customer stories

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Explore Wings4U blog for information on quality content creation, B2B content marketing, creation of raving fans and living a virtual culture.

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